Baptism of Theresa with Hanna and Nicolas

Baptism of Theresa

Baptism of Theresa with Hanna and Nicolas

Baptism of Theresa

Baptism of Theresa with Hanna and Nicolas

Baptism of Theresa

Baptism of Theresa with Hanna and Nicolas

Baptism of Theresa

Baptism of Theresa with Hanna and Nicolas

Baptism of Theresa

A 25-year-old Kenyan woman named Stacy, whom Eva and Nicolas had gotten to know well during her two-month stay with Mercy and Eric in Ngong Town, felt called by the Spirit of Jesus to work in Labuan Bajo in the late summer/fall of 2024. She had never been abroad before and first had to apply for a Kenyan passport.

Nico's mom will be her direct contact person in Indonesia who will invite her and Christa will work with Hanna to shape Stacy in Labuan Bajo and Tangkul. Stacy will apply for a tourist visa for 180 days and use this time to further prepare herself and complete an internship so that she is prepared for her work at KAFFEEKostBAR Kenya.

The big hurdle, however, is the lack of funding for the flight ticket (there and back) from Nairobi to Jakarta. Around €750 is needed here. Stacy currently works as a tutor for middle and high school students. She earns little money and continues to live with Mercy and Eric in Ngong Town.

If anyone from our circle of regular customers would like to help Stacy's decision (to live as a missionary of Jesus for 6 months in Labuan Bajo and Tangkul) with the missing finances, please contact Nicolas or Markus.

The work of faith in the port city of Labuan Bajo on the island of Flores, Indonesia, needs you if you find these criteria within yourself:

  • You are a woman who loves Jesus first.

  • You are born again in Jesus Christ and only want to do the will of Jesus Christ and the Father's will in your life - you now feel called to do so, specifically for Indonesia (whether for only 1-3 months or longer).

  • You are ready to live discipleship as described in the Bible for the early church.

  • You gratefully drink coffee as a beverage and are interested in learning about being a barista, roaster, taster, communication, administration - from zero to a hundred.

  • You have a great heart for God's justice in the unjust trading world and are therefore willing to humble yourself by embracing the simple life of our coffee farmers in the village of Tangkul, Colol region, for yourself, and to continue the missionary work there by also wanting to learn their language - not English, not German.

  • You are ready to provide the financial means for flights and living expenses - because you want to dedicate yourself to Jesus and therefore want to give what you already have and possess.

There are at least 4 coffee farming families in the village of Tangkul who have already decided to follow Jesus Christ - away from tradition, religion, and good customs in their large clan family - they are experiencing what it means to pay the price of discipleship. With benevolence, they hear the testimonies of other Christ followers, how they recognize and live out their faith steps in relation to the Father's will. In the village of Tangkul, there are 290 more families who want to hear your testimonies - and more villages in the Colol region that our farmers can also reach.

In South Tangerang - adjacent to South Jakarta - Nicolas Mama lives, who also shares the vision and mission of KAFFEEKostBAR, from there it goes on to the island of Flores to the port city of Labuan Bajo, where Hanna (a 30-year-old Indonesian who obtained her bachelor's degree in social work in Jena, Germany, lived and worked in Dresden for several years, and followed Jesus' call to Labuan Bajo) shares her entrusted discipleship house with you so that you can also live there and grow spiritually.

Hanna supports various services in the KAFFEEKostBAR, although she is building her own business there (German as a foreign language course).

Christa, Nicolas' older sister, also serves with us and currently flies back and forth at her own expense to perceive the kingdom of God there, which is already present, and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Two-Kingdom Principle and the quality of gourmet coffee according to our own definition "Royalty".

When we started our work there in February 2023, we brought in a 25-year-old daughter of a coffee farmer, a graduate of the "English for Primary School Teachers" program, who willingly served and worked but refused to follow Jesus Christ, and so she could not bear the desired fruit that Jesus expected from her and had to go separate ways after a year (her own decision).

After her, a 22-year-old daughter of another coffee farmer came, who had just completed her bachelor's degree in computer science. After 2 months, she also (of her own accord) shared that she had to stop.reach.

When we started our work there in February 2023, we brought in a 25-year-old daughter of a coffee farmer, a graduate of the "English for Primary School Teachers" program, who willingly served and worked but refused to follow Jesus Christ, and so she could not bear the desired fruit that Jesus expected from her and had to go separate ways after a year (her own decision).

After her, a 22-year-old daughter of another coffee farmer came, who had just completed her bachelor's degree in computer science. After 2 months, she also (of her own accord) shared that she had to stop.

Yes, we are not focused on Mammon but on the Father of Jesus Christ, and therefore the Spirit of God demands steps of trust or faith from Christa, Hanna, and the other employee. Of course, we wish that the children of the coffee farmers experience a revelation of Jesus Christ through the business and the shared life and service in everyday life, but so far, they have hardened their hearts.

Now, after over a year of the foundation phase in Indonesia, we must understand that it is the Father's will to put Jesus' disciples as suitable workers there in the first place, and so we communicate directly whether you are the person.

Contact Christa and Hanna directly.

Come to Labuan Bajo and experience discipleship live in everyday life in the KAFFEEKostBAR there with them. We'll prepare you to engage the tourists and the people of Flores there! When can we start? IMMEDIATELY or as the Spirit of God moves you. ”Thy” will be done!